You can sign up using an email address, Facebook, Apple Sign-In (iOS), and Google Sign-In (Android).
To access the expired products from the Profile screen, please follow these steps:Go to Profile Screen.Scroll to the section on the profile screen called "What's On My Bathroom Shelf".Now Click on "Expired Products" and it will direct you to the list of expired products.
To add the expiry date to the products from the Profile screen, please follow these steps:Go to Profile Screen.Scroll to the section on the profile screen called What's On My Bathroom Shelf.Now tap on Expired Products and it will direct you to the list of expired products. If you don't have any expi...
With My Bathroom Shelf, you can track your daily personal care and beauty regimen. It will indicate how dirty or clean your bathroom is over time, guiding you to the best practices for a healthy home.
Crown represents that the user is subscribed to the app's premium features. Please look at the attached images of iOS and Android users below:iOS Android
To edit the profile details in the app, please follow these steps: Go to the Profile screen (tap on the icon in the bottom right corner of the menu tab). Now tap on Edit your Profile. It will take you to the screen where you can edit all the details such as Username, First Name, Last Name, Bio, Chan...
To edit the profile details in the app, please follow these steps: Go to the Profile screen (tap on the icon in the bottom right corner of the menu tab). To change the profile picture, tap on the profile picture in the profile screen and it will provide 2 options i.e. Take a picture or Upload from G...
To access Ingredient Preference categories, make sure you are a premium user. Follow these steps to add ingredients to Ingredient Preference categories:Go to the Profile screen (tap on the icon in the bottom right corner of the menu tab).Tap on Ingredient Preferences. It will direct you to the Ingre...